Showcase Group has been able to connect justice involved youth to a number of resources due to our connection pathways of mental health, education, employment, and residential support. SG services 200 youth and families annually in the juvenile justice system.
Showcase Group (SG) has been measuring consumer outcomes since 2015. The current version of our entry and discharge surveys was implemented in 2018 and surveys administered at three, six and 12 months post discharge were implemented in 2019.
SG currently uses the same surveys on all individuals regardless of age or referral source. This is scheduled to change in 2021 as the agency expands our outcomes measurement to include specific populations such as adults, developmentally disabled individuals, individuals referred for legal issues and those referred for school issues.
Since implementation of the latest surveys, SG has collected entry and discharge information on 232 people and post discharge on 107 unique individuals. The demographic and outcomes information that follows is based on those 232 discharged and 107 post discharge individuals. Most of the outcomes definitions shown below were developed by SG.
Currently over 2,000 young people aged 12-22 are detained in youth detention centers throughout the state of Georgia. The majority of these youth are from lower socioeconomic communities in Georgia, and struggle with having their physical and mental health needs addressed.